Here's what you'll learn

  • How to create your own reports in explorations

  • Discover how to get RELEVANT data to YOUR ecommerce role

  • Learn the THREE most important metrics in ecommerce

  • Discover how to analyze what caused REVENUE increase/decrease

  • Learn my 6-step process of converting data into insights

Course structure

Bite-sized, max. 15min, self-paced lessons

    1. What to expect from this course

    2. Get Access to GA4 Demo Account

    3. Ecommerce Data Foundation

    4. 6-step Data to Insights System

    1. Acquisition Report - What sources bring users to your website.

    2. Landing Page Report - What pages are visited first on our website.

    3. Advanced reports

    4. How to use Free-form Exploration Report

    5. Insight Scenarios - First Touch Point

    1. Next Page Funnel - Where did people go after landing page.

    2. Ecommerce Purchases - What products did people view & add-to-cart?

    3. Internal Search Terms Report

    4. Insight Scenarios - Product

    1. Promo Codes

    2. User Journey - At what point did people abandon our site.

    3. Insight Scenarios - Cart

    1. Checkout Journey - At what point did people abandon the checkout.

    2. Shipping Tier & Payment Method

    3. Insight Scenarios - Checkout

    1. Revenue Change Cheat Sheet

    2. Example 1

    3. Example 2

    4. Example 3

    5. What to do next

About this course

  • $79.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content
  • Learn in 2 weeks (15 mins/day)
  • Pay with PayPal, credit card or invoice

Why choose this course

  • Only Ecommerce, No Fluff

    GA4 is full of fluff & unnecessary metrics. You’ll only learn the essential e-commerce-related metrics & reports to do your job better.

  • Don’t be dependent on data people

    Think you need to be a data specialist to come up with great insights? It’s not true. You simply need to learn the right things.

  • Practical, real-world examples

    Get hands-on with real-world examples that make complex ideas easy to grasp and apply. It's about turning 'what if' into 'this is how' in your everyday work.”

I've helped millions of people on YouTube

My videos have reached more than 5 million people. And I’ve created more than 270 videos about websites & marketing tools to help people with their websites.

BONUS: FREE Ecommerce Looker Studio Dashboard.

A dashboard with the most important metrics for any e-commerce shop. All in one easy to use dashboard. Just grab it and connect to your data!

Everything You'll Receive

  • 6-step system to convert data to insights

  • how to get RELEVANT data to YOUR ecommerce role

  • A system to simplify revenue change analysis

  • Access to the 2.5 hour course

  • Lifetime access to the recording

Who is this for? ✅

  • ✅ People working or wanting to work in Ecommerce

    ✅ Beginner to intermediate Google Analytics 4 users

    ✅ People who don’t know how to get insights from data in GA4

    ✅ Ecommerce Specialists who want to take control of insights

    ✅ Ecommerce Specialist who want to meaningfully improve their shop

Who is this NOT for? ❌

  • ❌ People who want to learn data for SaaS, Affiliate or Blogs

    ❌ Web & data specialists who have years of experience with data

    ❌ People who aren’t willing to invest 90 minutes to improve their skills


  • Do I need to have a Google Analytics 4 Account?

    No, but it would help you follow along. I will share access to a Google Demo account with real data from Google’s Merch shop. So you can practice by yourself.

  • What if I don’t understand GA4 metrics?

    Don’t worry, I’ll explain the most important metrics in GA4 so you don’t feel left behind.

  • Can I pay with INVOICE?

    Yes! Just send me an email at [email protected] with your details, and I'll send you an invoice.

  • I don’t work in e-commerce yet, but I want to. Will this still help me?

    Yep! But make sure to take notes so you can process the learnings. The best way to absorb the learnings is by practicing on some data.

  • My website doesn’t have e-commerce; is this helpful?

    No, this course is designed specifically for e-commerce. The data you need for SaaS, affiliate or blogs is very different.

  • Will this work for me if I’m an absolute beginner?

    The course is aimed at people who have dipped their toe in Google Analytics 4 before and need a little boost, BUT absolute beginners can benefit from this too, as the process is the same.

  • Is there a money-back guarantee?

    Certainly, if you're unsatisfied within 30 days, we offer a full refund. No questions asked.

  • How long will it be before I get access to this course?

    There is no expiration on your course access; you get full and immediate lifetime access.

Learn to Get Ecommerce Insights from GA4 in Just 2 Weeks

You are the expert in your role, so own the insights and don’t get “bullied” by data people 😊